Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Sister's New Show

My sister made a show. I wanted to talk about it, and our view on art.
Historically art has always been split up between two worlds, the high class art, and the art of the people. Our generation is split in a different way though; the art of the people, and the art of the artists. Somewhere along the line artists stopped hanging out with the people and became part of a closed society that the normal people find weird, or don't notice.
First, we have to ask, "what is our generation?" Now we can look at pop culture to try and figure that out. When you look at it you realize that our generation kinda sucks, and this is where we lose the good art of the people. An artist doesn't want to make music like Miley Cyrus, or make television shows like Jersey Shore. And so they end up turning their backs completely on that community of people, and find friends that watch cool stuff, and listen to good music. The problem is that the people need artists. Believe it or not, everyone likes good art over bad art. The thing is that people will watch and listen to things that are relevant to them, not go and find other sources of art, like we do. And that's why we have have bad music and television making billions of dollars.
Viviana was born into this world. When I say born I mean her friends and herself were surrounded by pop culture. It wasn't until her junior year of high school that she started to become exposed to good art. Viviana was still part of the other group, so her situation became very interesting. She learned about good art and became part of a growing movement of artists that bring good art to the kids of our generation. Her new show, The Coeds, is her attempt at doing that. Her show is already becoming very popular, and that's because it appeals to the Miley Cyrus listening, Jersey Shore watching community.
All throughout last year and this year I started to open myself up. I became friends with the people that used to make me wanna barf, and it's been wonderful. Once I realized that you can't judge people based on the music they like or the television they watched, people became much more appealing. It isn't a person's fault for liking something that's bad, because there isn't much that appeals to them and is good.
Rather than hating and trying to separate oneself from the community that you feel "doesn't understand art", make their art better. We are at a turning point. Pop culture's art is slowly becoming better, and that's because of people like my sister who are trying to make it better. We can still hate Justin Bieber and the Kardashians, but don't decide that everyone who listens to him and watches them, are idiots. Rather, look at is as a cry for help. The people feel abandoned and have let shitty art take our art's place. It's our job to bring the people thought provoking and meaningful art. The youth needs leaders to follow, and if we let Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus be those leaders, then there's no one to blame except ourselves.

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