Monday, September 23, 2013


I love everything French. Even French shit sounds nice right now. There is something about the language that I can't help but love. English is wonderful too. The issue with English is that it is familiar. I guess what attracts me to French is that it is so foreign. But it's more than foreign, it's exclusive. There is a pride when you speak a language like French. It's a similar pride you get if you were to learn Latin. It's a luxury language. To know English, Spanish or Chinese is a language that you need to know. In the future, when the U.S. because conquered by China, and when most people are part Hispanic, knowing English, Spanish and Chinese would normal, if not mandatory. But the exclusivity of French stays.
I changed the settings on my computer to have the computer work in French. I've gotten stuck quite a couple number of times, like at the beginning I didn't know which button to click when i wanted to cancel, but now I'll forever know that annuler means to cancel.
I've been growing a love for French music. It's odd because some of the songs I like in French aren't my style of music at all. There is an artist called Stromae that I'm becoming obsessed with. He is huge in France. I even like a rap group called Sexion D'Assault. I think I just like the way the words sound because I normally avoid any type of rap. 


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    1. I am not sure that this helps but allow me to contribute, baguette, onion soup, soufflé and croissant.

    2. I agree with your opinion of foreign languages being attractive. Something about foreign languages is so interesting and so beautiful, it makes you want to learn it.
