Monday, April 15, 2013

Q4 Plans

Recently I’ve been putting most of my effort into film. I want to continue with that for the rest of the year and probably for the following years in STAC. I like finished products, even if they aren’t good. If I can finish something and move on, I’d rather do that then spend a quarter working to make something perfect. I don’t want to waste much time at all writing scripts for movies because so often I feel that I just waste so much time trying to come up with a “good” idea. Right now I want to work on more technical aspects of film because that is where I need the most help. I am obviously working with collaborators, the actors in my films, and my friends that I discuss my film with. I like showing my films to people but I don’t like having to explain myself to them. I feel that if I have to explain myself then I obviously did something wrong. I just finished a previous project, and I’m going to start a new one now, but I am still don’t have any idea what it is going to be about. I want to finish at least two films this quarter but I hope to finish more. My plan is to work on a film, be given a deadline, and then move on. I want to be graded on technical stuff mostly, just because I want to get better at that more than anything else. My idea is that this quarter I can finish a number of films and can be graded on the progression of the quality of them, rather than me spending all my time on a single project and be graded on the quality of that single one.
I am extremely crafty. I’ve always been this way and I never really use this skill I have for anything other than small little side projects I do when I’m bored. I do a lot of hand sewing and I’ve been playing around with the jewelry making equipment my father has. I make alterations to my clothes and make small accessories with my sewing knowledge, and I play around with wire a lot, making cool stuff that would ultimately end up lost. I figured that if Danny has spent the past few weeks making puppets I could do something along those lines. I know that I could make a much better puppet than Danny just because I know more about just hand crafts in general than he does, and I have nimble fingers. I don’t know exactly what it is I would do but I know that I could make something incredible. I you looked, the voodoo doll I made for Grace in December was extremely detailed, and very well made. That doll had individual strands of hair, and I’m not sure that people understand how hard that was. I took yellow tread, and I made hair. I didn’t do the shit way and cut out some felt and glue it on, I figured out how to make what seemed to be extremely realistic hair. And I also sewed together a doll. I don’t think many other people did that. That doll probably took me a collective 20 hours, and a good portion of that was spent on just getting the hair on. I want to work on another project like this because it calms me. I like working with my hands with delicate things, and I am pretty good at it. I had an idea to try and make puppets to show off to Danny that he should have taken some of my advice in making his puppets, and that it would make him angry and messing with Danny is always fun. I know that I shouldn’t make puppets because I’m not going to bother to actually make a scene for the puppets, but I did have the idea to make maybe a more interesting diorama of some scene that I could come up with. I don’t know how this will be useful to me other than that it is something that I like to do, and I’ve been wanting to make a larger project around what I like to do. I think I want to stick with the idea of the diorama, and first I guess I’d need to find a concept to start building around.
            I remember watching a lot of Charlie Chaplin films when I was younger, and I thought that I should read his autobiography. I am learning film and I don’t know much about him, and I figure that it would be good to learn about someone as significant as Charlie Chaplin is in the film industry.

1 comment:

  1. This is all excellent. Do you want to make a short film a week? We'll talk, come up with a technical issue/theme and then off you go. Then we'll take a look.

    I completely agree, by the way, that if something needs to be explained the work is probably missing the mark.
