Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Wise Kids

So basically I developed this new passion for movies. I spend more time on IMDb now than I do playing video games. I like to see where movies take me, I like to see what actors have done what, and try and understand critics better by reading their reviews. So because of this I've been able to identify my favorite type of movie. I like dialog based movies. I like a movie where scenes can stand out by themselves apart from the movie and are very dialog based. My favorite type of scene is literally just two people talking without anything important happening in the background because there is so much room for interesting conversation. That's why I love Pulp Fiction so much. Most of the movie is just these cools dialogs between the characters surrounded by blood and action.
This blog post is about a movie I saw yesterday. It's called The Wise Kids. It was originally released in these two film festivals in New York and Los Angeles in 2011, but was then released to theaters in March of 2012 and on DVD in December. I found out about this because I had seen another movie about called Nate & Margret, which is again, a really cool movie, and the actor who plays Nate also plays Tim in The Wise Kids. The movie is just a series of conversations with really amazing dialog. The movie is about these three kids who are finding their way in life while they all are surrounded by their extremely Christian upbringing. One character is gay, the other is becoming an atheist and the the third is a devout Christian. 


  1. Some films that might fit...





  2. And this one, which is one of the best films I've ever seen... and is in Spanish!

