Monday, October 1, 2012

The Fall

We all need imaginations. Well need is a strong word but we all have them. Weather we want them or need them is a different story but the fact is that they are there, and while some people try to suppress them others want to keep them but either way the imagination fades over time. Imagination is meant to fill the space in our minds for when we don't have a memory there, and that is what I took from The Fall. As children we need imagination to fill the space in our empty memory and as we get older we don't imagine as much. The little girl in The Fall has a vivid imagination, while the guy was telling the story it was her mind that was animating it based on compilations of the little that she knows. If the girl was older she wouldn't animate it in her mind the same, she would probably she everything from a more literal stance.

I recently watch Pulp Fiction for the first time and it got me thinking about plots and that kind of spilled over into The Fall. I has a linear plot unlike Pulp Fiction but it isn't anything normal. The movie is made as if no one ever told you how a movie plot should go, and then you have to make a movie, for the story parts of it, but in the hospital parts it is very movie and that makes a sort of controlled freedom.

1 comment:

  1. "As children we need imagination to fill the space in our empty memory and as we get older we don't imagine as much"

    I've often pondered the connection between memory and imagination, but no one has every outlined it so vividly, and succinctly, as you do here. In essence, imagination is a memory of something that never happened - the two occupy the same brain space. It's brilliant. This whole post is brilliant. You could base a college essay on this.

    Well done. I'm glad I made you write today.

