Having money is the best part. It's something I really can't explain because it's so awesome. At least for me it is. I hate having to ask my parents for anything, and now, I really don't have to. If I need something, I can go and buy it. Two months ago when I bought a subscription to Spotify and I was terrified because I thought that my parents would get mad for me not consulting them. They didn't because it's my money. I choose that it's something I want to invest in because I hate having to buy and download all my music. But, it's more than small purchases like Spotify, I also have made pretty big purchases, and it has been my decision. This February, I'm going to Quebec with the French class. I saved up for four months and got enough to pay for myself. There is something so gratifying about being able to do that. No one could tell me that the trip was too expensive because I was paying for it. And, this summer, I'm going backpacking across Europe, and I'm saving all my money for that too. I can do the things I want to because I have the money for it. And I calculate how much I am allowed to spend out of what I make to still have enough. Taking economics now, during the first semester, has really helped with that. I realized that I have a lot of money, and spending it on stupid things just doesn't make sense. I can almost anything I want, but to have the things and experiences I really want, I need to be smart.
The shitty part is that I work a lot. Especially during the time I have off. Vacations aren't vacations because I have to work. Weekends aren't any better than schools days when I have an eight hour shift. My social life has dwindled, and my ability to produce art has also taken a hit. I love having a job, but I have having to go. It brings structure to my life, but being creative becomes difficult when I have to adhere to a schedule. That's where my thoughts bring me to the future. Having a job I can't stand being in isn't an option. I need a career that is as flexible as I am.
I recently saw a documentary on the life and careers of Lella and Massimo Vignelli, and I envy them so much. They had the life I dream of. Their work was never boring or meaningless, it was never for a paycheck or stability. They did what they did because they loved design. I want a career where I can do what they did; getting paid to make something functional and beautiful. They have become my new idols in a way. Their foreign to the United States, which I admire because they're bilingual, and they're so intelligent. Listening to them talk is like having your mind blown every moment. They both died this year, and it's a shame that I'm just now discovering who my idols are right after they've died.
I think my life can be wonderful. Knowing how to spend my money and having a job that is fulfilling is all I need to be content.