Monday, January 30, 2012


So expressionism is, to me, the coolest art movement I've seen so far this year. When I look at the products this movement gives, the one word that comes to mind is cool. What really I like most about this movement is that it is less attached to the mechanical aspect like the other movements were. This gives a less defined "look" to the work, but allows for anyone to apply the idea to their work. The ideas that make up expressionism are death, fear, and pain. These ideas are ones that lead to much more powerful pieces of work but also can make the viewer feel discomfort. This discomfort can either be considered a good thing or a bad thing. Whenever I watch the Twilight Zone I always feel a sort of fear that is different than the normal monster fear, because the show shows fear in a idea rather than a single person. This fear is a discomfort that I actually seem to enjoy, which kind of sounds weird, but it keeps me wanting to go to netflix and watch more episodes. But then there is also the kind of discomfort that has a different effect from the Twilight Zone. The butoh dance to me was cool for a minute, but extremely slow and lost my interest very quickly, so for the rest of the dance I just felt bored.